Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Riley is one year old today!

Of course, we don't know Riley's real birthday. This is the day we chose for him when the vet came to see him for the first time. But it's pretty close based on how old he seemed at that time. We have our own thoughts about this too since we suspect he might be Buster come back to us [more on that at a later date]. But this is the day we have chosen and today we celebrate our little boy.

Happy Birthday, Riley!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I've been thinking about renaming my
    blog "Riley Rules The Roost" since I blog about my Bichon, Riley more than anything else so I had googled riley rules the roost to see what comes up and I got a link to your blog. Just thought I would share a link of my blog with you. My Riley turned 10 years old yesterday. Enjoy your kitty and have a good day, www.oxfordimpressions.blogspot.com
